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+39 338 24 28 735
+39 338 94 96 325
+39 338 94 96 325

Authorisation to process personal data. Regarding the personal data you provided by filling out this form, the data is collected exclusively for requests for sales information, services and/or assistance. Said data will be processed using IT equipment and considered useful for setting up and carrying out our business relationship. You will be able to consult, request modification of and/or delete your data at any time and at no cost, simply by writing to: for the attention of the Personal Data Processing Manager. Read our Infro Privacy & Cookie Law

REA PG- 239772
Agente Imm. N.1156

Umbria Verde di Santinacci Chiara
Legal Headquarter: Piazza Giacomo Matteotti 19
06019 - Umbertide (PG) - Italy
P.IVA: 02766910547

+39 348 24 28 735
+39 338 94 96 325
+39 075 94 13 136